Monday, 27 February 2017

BELIEF SYSTEM: The ingredient of faith and it sacredness

according to professor okpokunu(uniben anthropolical lecturer,2016) defined belief as things that are held to be true with little or no evidence. it is also something held to be real with no substantial evidence to back up such truth.belief which also stand together with faith because faith is a class of belief,faith which is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. one interesting fact about belief is that when it is eventually verified with an evidence thus at this period it would become a knowledge       
                                             there are two ingredient of belief/faith
.they are like an assumptions accepted
.they have no evidence to back up such as claimed or accepted
belief can also be grouped into system: before a go further let me give a little bit definition of what a belief system means. it is simply some notions of ideas and concepts organized around some particular subject(or the existence of certain things) surrounding some aspect of the world with little or no evidence.
types of belief system:
i will begin by explaining each starting with ideology. ideology is seen as a system of ideas organized,that gives an orientation on how members of a society,individuals or groups act or behave in the world.ideology can also be illustrated into different ways,which are as following :
.African communism or polity privacy
let me begin with African communism: for an African man,the community is what matters and not the state,a community which are more primordial are far more important because it is based on collectivism,shared ideas,love and care among his/her fellow communal members,which is why it is often called communal individual and also because the community is believed to have more important virtues to pursue and protect than that of an individual pursuit. collectivism for an African man means the community takes residence of every one . the community is also seen as supreme because it decisions made are taken collectively ,no body is seen as greater than the community for instance in the igbo culture which fortunately i am from here,we see the umunna (meaning kinsmen)
A typical umunna attires
as the greatest group in our land which are often made up of elderly and matured adult whose decisions and deliberations are seen as the final in any situations and thus they are given the necessary respect and privilege and thus such decisions are often seen as final and not biased in any way because of the inclusion of old and matured adult which is made up of the members of each family in such community.i do believe u my readers would find this interest,i hope to continue from here in my next write up,thanks...

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